When you're trying to improve your business' assembly line, many people overlook the possibility of adding welding positioners. By improving capability in your production line, you can improve your profitability and lower your overhead. But what is a welding positioner and how do you get the best possible configuration to meet your needs? Many of our customers have questions about these handy tools, so here are some details to help you get the most out of your welding operations.
Get your parts moving!
LEARN HOW auxiliary-axis positioners CAN expand your welding robots' quality and outputWhat is a part positioner? Part positioners work by turning the part and positioning it in an ideal area in space for the required tasks. Unlike manipulators, which move the welding robot, the headstock turns the part into a range of position for welding operations while the robot stays in the same position. A positioner and robot with synchro-motion allows both the part positioner and the robot to move in synchronization, allowing the robot to achieve complex weld geometry and create a seamless well that is more intricate than a standard table would allow. This also allows the robot programmer to position the weld joint in an optimum position for arc welding, typically in the flat position.
But what if you need better access to the part that you're welding or can't quite get the part exactly where it's needed through a simple headstock rotation? Another option to consider is a tilt-turn positioner, which provides dual-axis rotation, with 360 degrees of rotation combined with 120 degrees of tilt in each direction, for up to 240 degrees of tilt. Providing an additional axis allows the table to tilt towards the operator to load the part and rotation and tilt for the robot to perform the welding operation, providing better access to the part as it is being loaded and unloaded.
In either of these situations, your productivity and output is very quickly boosted. Instead of having workers on your assembly line manually changing the part's orientation, spending time that will cost you for both the labor and the slow down of the production line, the positioner automates the process. The reduced labor in loading and unloading reduces your overhead and less time is spent outside of the welding process, speeding up your production line.
When you're trying to boost production, having the right tools for the job can mean all the difference between making a good profit and barely scraping by. At OTC Daihen, we've spent most of the last century making advances at the cutting edge of industrial arc welding. We can provide you with everything you need in one convenient company, making it much easier to get the job done. If you're ready to see what we can do for your business, please feel free to contact us today for additional information or with any questions.