Work Faster and Smarter: The All-New OTC DAIHEN FD21


Make your welding process faster and more efficient. We’re excited to give a sneak peek at our newest robot controller - the FD21. Coming in 2021, this new teach pendant is easier to program than ever for new users and brings a host of features built with the user in mind.

Hear from Jason on what you can expect with the FD21, or read on to learn more.

What Are the Benefits of the FD21?

With the FD21 teach pendant, you’ll find these benefits:

Work Smarter - Operational Efficiency with Smart Technology

The FD21 offers built-in support to connect and share operational, production and performance data with your factory network and production management systems.

There’s also built-in support for networked I/O, machine vision systems, laser power sources and other peripheral equipment

  • Even easier to plug-and-play with other automation equipment
  • Easily add 2D and 3D machine vision
  • Plug-and-play support for laser power sources including IPG and Trumpf
Work Better - Comfort Features for Operators

The FD21 is designed for comfortable, extended use. It’s lighter than the FD11, offers an improved ergonomic grip, features an edgeless LCD display and includes raised tactile buttons.

We’ve also eliminated end-of-life failures with a replaceable hook, quick-connects at both ends of the pendant cable and a spatter-resistant screen border.

Work With Foresight - Remote Maintenance for Less Downtime

The FD21 allows for remote maintenance when connected to an Android terminal. Remote TP, backup and upgrades are all possible. Get connected alerts for common service items and preventative maintenance and reduce production downtime without factory service call expenses.

Are Parts From the FD11 Compatible With the New FD21?

Our existing manipulators, external axes, welding power supply units and various sensors are

compatible with the FD21. The teaching program of FD11 can be used with FD21 by converting it to robot language.

Because the FD21 uses state-of-the-art electronic devices, we’ve redesigned all PCBs. All parts and PCB, including cables connected to the controller, are incompatible with FD11 parts.

Why Consider a New Teach Pendant?

The FD21 represents the newest thinking and design in robot controllers. You’ll be prepared for the next generation of robotic welding and ensure future growth when you decide to upgrade your robotic equipment.

We know it’s a big decision. Contact us today to learn more about the FD21 and other robotic solutions, and see how OTC DAIHEN can help bring value to your manufacturing process.

Contact Us Today

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