Buyer’s Guide: ROTA-ARC Series, Robotic Welding Systems

tri-arc dual robotic welder by OTC DAIHEN

Dave Walters, a Senior Mechanical Systems Engineer at OTC DAIHEN, has put together this ROTA-ARC Buyer’s Guide to assist distributors and customers in finding the best option when their production robotic welding application requires part repositioning via headstock/tailstock positioners.

This guide compares the ROTA-ARC series (250, 500 and 1000) and shows how they perform in relation to the DT-ARC and TRI-ARC systems.

At the core of all these systems is the headstock/tailstock (HS/TS) combination that supports repositioning (rolling over) parts during welding.

Headstock/Tailstock Combination

The DT-ARC systems have the HS/TS pairs in fixed positions (bolted to the floor). The ROTA-ARC and TRI-ARC systems add an indexing axis, moving the HS/TS between the operator load/unload station and the robot(s).

The advantage of that single-station setup is clear -- the operator remains in 1 spot, eliminating the need to walk between stations to keep the system welding. Walking between stations takes time that could be used to inspect the part, pack the parts into outbound containers, take extra time during reloading, performing tack welds or making welding repairs.

Over/Under Indexing Axis

The TRI-ARC ferris-wheel style positioner incorporates an over/under indexing axis, reducing the floor space required for the robotic welding cell. That comes with the disadvantage of requiring a ladder or removable platform while teaching the robot programs due to the resulting height of the parts while being welded.

Choose a ROTA-ARC Model Based on Part to Weld

Dave categorizes the ROTA-ARC models by the type of parts each can weld:

“The ROTA-ARC 250 is sized nicely for welding lighter parts that require less fixturing, like automotive exhaust systems,” he says. “The ROTA-ARC 500 is a great system for welding heavier parts, like bicycle and exercise equipment frames. For even heavier parts, like aftermarket truck bumpers and hitches, the ROTA-ARC 1000 is an excellent fit.”
OTC DAIHEN ROTA-ARC Buyer's Guide chart

Watch ROTA-ARC Production Welding Cells in Action

A dual-arm, ROTA-ARC 1000 welds an aftermarket hitch system.

Shown is an H-frame style production robotic welding cell.

See All the OTC DAIHEN
Pre-Engineered Robotic Welding Systems

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