Three ways to reduce weld porosity on your assembly line

OTC_blog_reduce-weld-porosity.pngWhen you're under a deadline to get production completed, the last thing you need is quality control issues. Unfortunately, weld porosity is a common problem in welding applications. Fortunately, it's also relatively easy to fix. How do you reduce porosity in your production line? We've taken a look at causes of porosity and found the easiest ways for reducing porosity in your facility.

Three ways to reduce weld porosity on your assembly line

Correct shielding gas issues. This is quite possibly the largest source of porosity issues if you're working with quality materials. Whether it's an empty cylinder, a kinked hose, a draft or even too high a rate of use, this involves not having enough gas to shield the molten weld pool. Empty cylinders happen all the time, with a kinked hose being the next most common culprit. Drafts can carry away the shielding gas on an otherwise perfect setup. If increasing gas flow isn't fixing the problem or is making it worse, the turbulence caused by the gas flow may be drawing outside air into the welding area, causing porosity.

Clean and dry the metal thoroughly. Sure, you're working with new material, but is it completely dry? Is there any grease or residue left from the manufacturing process that will form gas pockets in the weld when it becomes molten? What about your factory? Many factories have minimal climate controls to keep their workers comfortable, but a humid location may deposit moisture on the metal in the form of condensation when temperatures fall. Steam from the moisture can also cause porosity issues.

Other weld contamination. There are a number of other ways contamination can enter the weld. Is the wire you're using of good quality? What about you’re shielding gas source? Are you using too much anti-spatter compound in your process? Is the gun liner contaminated? Is the weld joint open at the base, allowing it to suck air in from behind? Are the welding guns o-rings in good condition or are they allowing outside air in? Is the gas line contaminated or in poor condition, allowing contaminants or outside air in? These are all potential sources for contamination in the weld that can cause welding porosity issues. Check the entire line to make sure it's free of contamination.

If you keep these areas in mind when running your assembly line and troubleshooting quality problems, you'll be able to maximize your production, ensure good quality and reduce overhead from welding porosity problems. Do you need new equipment to help ensure you're getting better quality welds and more efficient operation? We offer low frequency pulse GMAW machines that, among other benefits, agitate the weld puddle to assist in releasing trapped gases (porosity) in the weld pool. OTC Daihen has been providing cutting edge welding technology for nearly 100 years. Contact us today for more information about our fine line of welding products.

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