Yoda was Wrong, You Can Try Before You Do: Benefits of Simulation and Offline Programming

OTC_blog_790x350-17.png"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda was wrong. When you work with OTC Daihen, you can try before you invest in expensive pre-engineered robotic welding cells. We offer a couple options that many of our clients find helpful when they want to change between welding robot systems to ensure they work or to drastically reduce changeover time on their welding production lines. Here's a quick look at how these programs help you make a successful transition quickly.

You Can Try Before You Do: Benefits of Simulation and Offline Programming

Welding Operations

Can your robot reach where it needs to for a new part? Will a new robot solve that problem or do you need to add manipulators to the process? Are there going to be clearance issues with a particular welding position? Many customers find that utilizing welding simulation helps answer those questions and ensure you don't run into issues once your production line is ready to roll. Welding operation simulation helps determine exactly where adjustments need to be made.

Offline Programming

When a pre-engineered welding cell is ordered, it can take about six to eight weeks from order to delivery. That's a lot of time spent waiting! Our offline programming software allows you to start programming the robot prior to delivery. This makes it very easy to minimize down time after the robotic welder is installed. Though you'll still make some tweaks, offline programming allows you to upload the program and go through it in teach mode. This means you can quickly get your production line back underway with a minimum amount of downtime.

Pre-Programming for Change

But another area where our offline programming software FD-ST makes a big difference is during changeover from existing production. An engineer needs only to design a new part, write the welding program and then upload it into the welder without affecting your current production process. The engineer can import a new part, put it through the FD-ST system and learn whether the robot has sufficient capability to finish the job or if alterations need to be made to the part or the welder to ensure it can get the job done. This is especially important when working with parts that require intricate geometry or having to move around clamps or tools. It's designed to work for everyone from an engineer through a master welder and to a project manager with equal ease. Once you've designed the part and welding process, you can determine what options are needed to best weld your parts.

Offline programming and simulation provide you with the information you need to get the job done quickly, effectively and efficiently. At OTC Daihen, we've spent nearly a century at the forefront of welding technology advancement. If you need help finding the perfect tools for your job, please feel free to contact us today.

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