Lab Automation: What's Critical in Clinical

Track-Based Systems-1

Extremely productive, reliable and flexible equipment is needed for high-volume clinical laboratories to address their specimen processing requirements. Laboratory professionals rely upon automation to assist with rapid identification, preparation and routing of specimens.

Later this month, Yaskawa Motoman will be at McCormick Place (booth #1254) in Chicago, Illinois for the 70th AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo to address this issue and to show how automated solutions for pre- and post-analytic specimen processing – as well as fully-connected, end-to-end processing solutions – can automate and optimize workflow for labor intensive areas of the commercial diagnostic and genetic laboratory.

The largest exposition for clinical laboratory products and services in the world, AACC provides a wealth of learning opportunities for medical professionals and showcases the latest technologies to enhance laboratory medicine. Yaskawa Motoman will showcase an automated sortation system, featuring the AutoSorter™ 1200 linked with Yaskawa’s new aliquoter via a track connection.

AutoSorter 1200

A multi-function instrument for specimen sorting, the AutoSorter 1200 helps meet the demands of large commercial labs. Optimized for throughput and flexibility, this high-speed sorter processes up to 1,200 specimen tubes per hour for rack-based pre-analytic sorting and post-analytic sorting/archiving.

The AutoSorter 1200 may be a stand-alone workcell or linked with aliquoters, recappers and other process-specific instrumentation to help manage complex specimen workflows. Customizable to fulfill unique laboratory requirements, the AutoSorter 1200 features a robust design with industrial components, including a high-speed robot.


The new aliquoter produces up to 340 labeled daughter tubes per hour, each with volume as instructed by the LIS. It automatically detects clots and QNS, and it accepts a wide range of parent tube configurations.

Craig Rubenstein is Life Science Technology Leader – Yaskawa America, Inc., Motoman Robotics Division

Craig Rubenstein Connect on: LinkedIn

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